Sporting Spirit: Staying Active During Ramadan

Olahraga saat ramadan

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, many Muslims around the world prepare for a time of spiritual reflection, fasting, and increased devotion to their faith. However, staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can sometimes be challenging during this time. But fear not! With the right mindset and a sporting spirit, you can still enjoy your favorite sports and activities while observing Ramadan.… Read the rest

Analyzing ERP Solutions for Financial Accounting

ERP for finance accounting

When it comes to managing financial accounting processes, businesses often turn to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to streamline operations and improve efficiency. However, with so many ERP systems available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your organization. In this article, we will discuss how to analyze ERP solutions specifically for financial accounting, including evaluating their features and comparing different systems.… Read the rest

Embracing the Spiritual Significance of Friday Ramadan

Friday ramadan

As the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is a time of reflection, self-discipline, and spiritual growth for Muslims around the world. Within this sacred month, Fridays hold a special significance, as they are considered especially auspicious for prayer and worship. Embracing the spiritual significance of Friday Ramadan can lead to a deeper connection with the divine and a sense of inner peace and purpose.… Read the rest

Understanding CRM Integration in ERP Applications

CRM integrasi di aplikasi ERP

CRM integration in ERP applications refers to the process of connecting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to streamline business processes and improve customer interactions. By integrating these two essential business tools, organizations can achieve a more cohesive and efficient system that enhances communication, data sharing, and overall productivity.… Read the rest

Ramadan Fasting Hacks: Elevating Your Spiritual Journey

Tips puasa ramadan

Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion for Muslims around the world. While fasting during this holy month can be challenging, it also presents a unique opportunity for personal growth and deepening one’s connection with Allah. In order to make the most of this sacred time, it’s important to embrace the spiritual journey and find ways to elevate your Ramadan fast.… Read the rest

Unlocking Efficiency: Harnessing ERP for Inventory Success

proses inventori

In the world of inventory management, efficiency is key to success. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their operations and maximize their productivity. One powerful tool that can help unlock efficiency in inventory management is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. By harnessing the capabilities of ERP systems, businesses can optimize their inventory management processes and achieve greater success in their operations.… Read the rest

Unlocking Blessings: The Benefits of Reading the Quran

Membaca quran

In a fast-paced world where distractions are abundant, finding moments of peace and spiritual connection can be challenging. However, one timeless practice that has been revered for centuries is the act of reading the Quran. Unlocking blessings and benefits through the Quran can truly be a transformative experience, providing guidance, solace, and wisdom to those who seek it.… Read the rest

Unlocking the Magic of ERP: A Guide to Enterprise Resource Planning

Are you ready to unlock the magic of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)? Embark on an exciting adventure into the world of business efficiency and productivity with this comprehensive guide. Discover the secrets of ERP and how it can revolutionize the way your organization operates. Get ready to streamline your processes, increase collaboration, and enhance decision-making with the power of ERP.… Read the rest

Java Jolt: Sipping Coffee While Fasting in Ramadhan

ramadhan coffee

As the holy month of Ramadhan approaches, Muslims around the world prepare to fast from dawn till dusk. While abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours, many individuals turn to coffee as a means to stay awake and alert throughout the day. Let’s explore how a "Java Jolt" can help energize your fast and keep you going strong during this sacred month.… Read the rest

Fasting Fuel: Your Body’s Metabolism During Ramadan

Body's Metabolism During Ramadan

With the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world embark on a spiritual journey of fasting from dawn till dusk. While the main focus may be on spiritual growth and self-discipline, there is also a fascinating science behind how fasting affects our body’s metabolism. Let’s dive into the world of "Fasting Fuel" and explore how Ramadan can actually boost your metabolism.… Read the rest

The Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

manfaat puasa ramadhan

Ramadan is a holy month observed by Muslims around the world, where fasting from dawn until sunset is a central practice. While fasting during Ramadan is a religious obligation, it also brings with it a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the spiritual realm. In this article, we will explore the various advantages of fasting during Ramadan, including the spiritual rewards, physical and mental health benefits, and the strengthening of community bonds.… Read the rest

Cupping Test Kopi Arabika Natural Kontes Kopi Spesialti Indonesia 2021

Sempat ikut Kontes Kopi Spesialti Indonesia (KKSI) 2021 bulan Oktober kemarin. Ikut yang kelas Arabika Natural, karena hanya jenis proses itulah yang saya lakukan selama ini.

Alhamdulillah, walaupun belum juara tapi mendapatkan score yang memuaskan untuk pemula seperti saya.

Dengan score 85,67 artinya saya sudah masuk ke Excellent Specialty. Tidak sia-sia kerja keras dalam planting, nurturing, processing kopi selama ini.… Read the rest

The Art of Cache Layer

On my other website which is had quite high traffic with 47.000++ members, i used several layers of cache to handle traffic spikes. My software specs are running on WordPress 5.5, PHP 7.4.5, MariaDB 10.5.5, Centos 7 with Sentora Panel, Apache Web Server and PHP-FPM Server for PHP Handler.

  1. Opcache, first thing first, this module of PHP must be installed on your system.
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Content Marketing and Value Point

Content marketing memegang peran kunci dalam digital promotion saat ini. Dimana dengan semakin banyaknya content yang menarik ditampilkan oleh semua pemain bisnis, maka sangat penting untuk kita menampilkan content yang bukan hanya menarik tetapi juga konsisten dan memberikan value pada calon customer.

Content yang seringkali dibuat antara lain ; infographic products, blog post, video youtube, online catalogs dan akhir-akhir ini juga podcasts.… Read the rest

Own Operation Ecommerce Website Vs Marketplace


Jika bisnis kita butuh analisa mengenai customer database and behaviour, memerlukan membership program dan memiliki budget untuk investasi di IT dan online promotion, maka website ecommerce adalah pilihan tepat untuk dikembangkan.

Sedangkan untuk marketplace sendiri sekarang telah menyediakan channel premium store untuk branding dengan sistem bagi hasil.

Jadi kesimpulannya kedua channel sales ecommerce dan marketplace sebaiknya dijalankan secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan advantages masing-masing.

Integration of Multichannel Sales

Di masa The Great Shifting seperti sekarang, dimana dengan adanya pandemi covid19 semakin memberikan akselerasi terhadap prosesnya, maka retail dituntut untuk membangun sistem integrasi dari beberapa channel sales yang mereka punya.

Integrasi multichannel sales (Omnichannel)  ini memungkinkan proses marketing saling support satu sama lain sehingga menjadi lebih efisien.

Omnichannel tentu saja membutuhkan investasi dalam infrastruktur sistem IT untuk mendukung integrasi data, dan dengan teknologi yang berkembang sekarang ini investasi IT dalam infrastruktur fisik dapat diminimalisir dengan cloud computing yang membuat sistem sangat scalable.… Read the rest